环境 Sight
夜晚 Night
Like a lamp, the moon shines from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiosity.
Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.
The stars shone like diamonds.
The sky was dotted with sparkling stars.
There's not a single sound at night. Only the glowworms are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the night sky.
Immediately, an absolute darkness ruled the forest.
The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. 月亮从云后往下来,星星因倦意而眨眼着。所有的东西现在都进入了睡眠,没有任何声音或动作。
Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the night sky with their gentle strokes. 月亮在天空好似一盏夜灯。闪烁的星星好奇的眨着眼。夜里一点声音都没有,那些话唠蟋蟀们也睡了。只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一个画。
Here everything is still, only the growing brightness of the stars betrays the passing of time. 在这里,一切都是静止的,只有星星的亮度不断增长,才暴露了时间的流逝。
The tired moon hid in the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if they were sending out a whistle.
The sky is like a washed blue and black coarse cloth and the stars seem to be shattered gold scattered on this coarse cloth.
There was no light, no twitter of the birds and no little naughty stars in the sky. Everything was in dead silence. Not a single sound could be heard.
My eyes catch the scattered night-time drops of dew as they are illuminated by the pale light of the moon. They shine, like a million eyes staring back at me from the dark green hue of the hedges. Among the bushes, a spider builds a silken web. Precisely and carefully, the spider leaps from each leaf of the thick hedge, constructing its intricate trap. 我的视线被月光照亮的零散的露珠吸引住了。月亮闪耀着光芒,就像在深绿色的树篱里有一百万双眼睛在盯着我。在灌木丛中,一只蜘蛛织了一张丝网。蜘蛛精确而小心地从茂密的树篱的每一片叶子上跳下,构筑起错综复杂的陷阱。
The moon hides behind a patch of greyish, navy clouds. Its light breaks through the wispy clouds, penetrating their dark cover. The sky is freckled with brilliant, glowing stars. Their intensity contrasts against the sombre blue of the night sky, and warmth begins to fill me again as I take in this magnificent sight. 月亮藏在一片灰色的海军蓝云后面。它的光穿透了薄薄的云层,穿透了云层的黑暗。天空中布满了闪闪发光的星星。强烈的亮光与夜空的深蓝形成对比,当我看到这壮丽的景象时,温暖又开始充满我。
The silence of the night however, is never silent. Within it lie the gentle snores of the content settler, the tossing of turning of a lost soul, the lone bark of a dog convinced of the ghosts and the faint laughter of a blossoming love. The silent commentary of a sports fanatic is drowned out by the screams of a teetering relationship reaching its final tether. The pots and pans of a feast of the ding of the microwave signaling the readiness of a late night snack. Each of these noises fills the silence, making a scene only to get lost in the hollow void of the night. 然而,夜的寂静,从来没有沉默过。这寂静中蕴含着满足轻柔的鼾声,迷失灵魂的辗转,一只狗的孤独吠声,以及淡淡的爱的笑声。一个体育狂热者的无声评论被一段摇摇欲坠的关系发展到最后关头的尖叫声淹没了。盛宴上的锅碗瓢盆微波炉发出叮当声,预示着深夜小吃准备就绪。每一种声音都填补了寂静,制造了一个场景,却迷失在夜空中。
A starry night loomed above, pretty enough to ignite the heart of any nature's child, yet not one of them cast their eyes upward to see it. All they cared about was moving their heavy boots over the slick mud and no amount of starlight could render the path visible.
On fireworks night those rockets spread dreams into the black as if it were all canvas awaiting ink of brilliant light. 在烟花之夜,这些火箭把梦想传播到黑色,仿佛都是画布,等待着灿烂的光芒的墨水。
阳光 Sunlight
- The clouds parted and the sun shone. 云散开了,太阳出来了。
- The hills are bathed in the sunlight. 山丘沐浴在阳光下。
- Morning sunshine the courtyard.
- The beach was bathed in the amber-like sunshine.
- The sun poured out it's brilliant hot oranges and reds into the horizon like a pot of molten lava. 太阳倾泻而出,它灿烂的橘红色像一壶熔岩般进入地平线。
- Blue skies stand tall and far, and the sun is like a branding iron searing my back. 晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫。
- The flecks of golden sunshine mingled with the few wispy clouds in the sky. The azure sea overhead showed no signs of rain. It was the perfect weather for < insert activity >. 金灿灿的阳光与天空中的几朵云朵混合在一起。头顶蔚蓝的大海没有下雨的迹象。这是进行<活动>的完美天气。 【生词】fleck /flek/ n.斑点 wispy /'wispi/ adj.一缕缕的 azure /'æʒə/ adj.蔚蓝的活动>
- As walking through the road I look up to the sky and a bright light shines through my eyes.
- The sun, that daughter of the sky, once again took her rightful place on the horizon. She let her rays cascade onto the world, bringing the scene into full view, adjusting the brightness and contrast. 太阳,天空的女儿,再一次在地平线上占据了她应有的位置。她让自己的光线投射到世界上,让景象的全貌显现,调整亮度和对比度。 【生词】cascade /kæs'keɪd/ vi.像瀑布般冲下或倾泻
- Igniting the world anew with such brilliance, the sun rose with casual elegance. Each day she shone and the world shone back, joyful to reflect those warm rays. 太阳以这样的光辉重新点燃了世界,太阳以不经意的优雅升起。每一天,她照耀着,世界也照耀着,快乐地反射着那些温暖的光线。 【生词】ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ v.点燃
- After the blackness of night, Earth's star rises on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. She comes in the way that natural forces do, needing not invitation yet feeling her welcome. The light is her gift, bold and free, for anyone who cares to open their eyes in the dawn and watch the world awake. This is our sun, a fire ignited to bring warmth to creation and inspire us to seek our own beauty within. 夜的黑逝去,地球的恒星升到地平线上,向四面八方散播她的黄金。她以自然的方式来到这里,不需要邀请,却感受到她的欢迎。光明是她大胆而自由的礼物,送给任何一个愿意在黎明睁开眼睛,看着世界苏醒的人。这是我们的太阳,一团点燃的火给造物带来温暖,激励我们去寻找内在的美。
- A ray of sunlight shone into my room, like a bunch of glittering gold thread, not only lit up my room, but also illuminated my heart. 一缕阳光照进我的房间里,像一束亮闪闪的金线。不仅照亮了房间,也照亮了我的心田。
- I was quietly, joyfully and patiently watching as the sun painted a brand-new day.
- Under the burning sun of midsummer, all the living things seem to have worn out their energy.
其他 Others
- The day is bitterly cold. 天气寒冷。
- The dense / thick fog blanketed the field. 浓雾笼罩着整个大地。
- A brook was not far away, rushing and sparkling between the green banks. 不远处有条小溪在绿油油的两岸间淳淳流动。
- On a nearby hill, he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of his house. 在不远处的山丘上,他能看到烟从他的房子的烟囱里袅袅升向空中。
- The water is deep blue and sunlight glitters on its looking glass-clear surface. 水是深蓝色的,阳光在明镜般的水面闪闪发光。
- The river glitters in the sunlight. 阳光下河面波光淋淋。
- The streets glistened like shiny ornaments after the rain. 雨后街道像闪闪发光的装饰品一样闪闪发光。
风 Wind
The breeze gently kissed her cheeks.
The wind is getting up and it is becoming cloudy. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.
Wind and rain whipped the house.
雨 Rain
The dreadful rain was beating wildly against the windows.
The thunder was rumbling in the distance.
Each raindrop is a kaleidoscope, if we could only see more closely. 【生词】kaleidoscope /kəˈlaɪdəskəʊp/ 万花筒
I heard the rain still beating continuously on the staircase window, and the wind howling in the grove behind the hall; I grew by degrees cold as a stone, and then my courage sank. My habitual mood of humiliation, self-doubt, forlorn depression, fell damp on the embers of my decaying ire.–Jane Eyre(1847)
【生词】by degrees 逐渐地;慢慢地 habitual 惯常的 ; 典型的 ; 讨厌的 ; 上瘾的 ; 习惯性的 ; 积习很深的 self-doubt 自我怀疑 forlorn 孤独凄凉的;荒芜的 ember 余火未尽的木块 decay 腐烂;衰落;衰减
airy rain | beads of rain | hissing rain | Amazonian showers |
drizzling rain 毛毛细雨 | dewdrops of rain | saturating rain | a biblical deluge |
evanescent rain | droplets of rain | seething rain | monsoon rains |
mist-like rain | pearls of rain | shredding rain | Noah’s-Ark-lavish |
mizzling rain (下)蒙蒙细雨 | teardrops of rain | sibilant rain | sluicing rains |
pitter-patter of rain雨的哒哒声 | plump drops of | sissing rain | torrential rainfall |
showering rain | pregnant drops of | sizzling rain | silver icicles of rain |
spraying rain | splattering rain啪嗒啪嗒落下的雨 | soaking rain | silver nails of rain |
sprinkling sound of rain | the susurration of rain | spitting rain | upside-down rain (so heavy it bounces upwards) |
tinkling rain | stinging rain | the billion-fold ping |
The rain was:
burbling (gurgling) into the drains. | boiling the surface of the river. |
dripping from the flowers. | buzzing incessantly with noise. |
chinking off the windows. | dinging furiously off the tin roof. |
clinking off the cars. | drumming off the tarmacadam. |
making a lovely, lilting sound. | fizzing against the top of the bus. |
murmuring like white noise. | hammering off their leather jackets. |
plinking off the puddles. | ker-plunking off the swollen pools. |
strumming against the roof tops. | pinging angrily against the glass. |
suspiring (sighing) through the air. | plunking onto the muddy earth. |
swishing off my skin. | smashing onto the heads of the crowd. |
thrumming off the cobble stones. | *swooshing onto the flooded fields. |
weaving (moving side to side) with the wind. | tapping madly off the door. |
whirring ( a rapid buzz) off the leaves. | thunking the tops of the trees. |
gently whisking (stirring) the lake’s surface. | whizzing from the sky. |
whispering in the air. | whooshing as the heavens opened. |
*swooshing: 该词并不常用。
一篇描写雨和天空的文章雪 Snow
Underneath you is fluffy cold snow.
【生词】fluffy /'flʌfɪ/ adj. 蓬松的;毛茸茸的
Around you are barren trees covered in powder white snow. 【生词】barren trees 光秃秃的树木
You watch as the misty fog escapes your mouth anytime you take a breath.
The pure feathery snowflakes were dancing gracefully in the air.
The frozen snow crunched under our feet. 【生词】crunch /krʌntʃ/ v.(使)发出碎裂声
Snow danced in the light, a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind. 雪在灯光下翩翩起舞,这是一场由微风编排的芭蕾舞。
The park was covered in a thick blanket of white, statutes peeked out under their new white caps, footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of paths. 【生词】peek out/over/through 微露出;探出 crisscross /ˈkrɪs krɒs/ v. 构成十字形(或交叉)图案 labyrinth /ˈlæbərɪnθ/ n. 迷宫
Snow rests upon the park bench as if it were a feather cushion, soft and warm. It covers the rich deep wood in perfect white. The snow is a gift-wrap only spring will open, revealing the engrained beauty that lives safely below, protected these long winter months. As the sun rises each morning, bestowing brilliance, igniting colors to vibrant hues - man dreams below of sowing seeds, of the bounty of the gardens to come. 雪停在公园的长椅上,仿佛它是一个羽毛垫,柔软而温暖。它用完美的白色覆盖着丰富而深邃的木头。雪是一个只有春天才会开放的礼物,展现了在这漫长的冬日里安然无恙地生活的美丽。当太阳每天早晨升起,给人以灿烂的光芒,把色彩引向生机勃勃的色彩——人类梦想着播种,梦想着未来花园的丰收。
It's dark now, and the snow is still falling, clumps of wet flakes drifting down, the air moist, the sidewalk mushy underfoot.
As the snow gathers on the branches, they are clothed with decadent ivory jewels.
Glistening icicles hang off the branches like bats. The snow sparkles as it's frozen to branches, creating a Winter Wonderland. Although the incredible sight makes you want to stay, you know you must be on your way... 闪闪发光的冰柱像蝙蝠一样挂在树枝上。树枝被雪冻住,闪闪发光,创造了一个冬天的仙境。虽然美丽的景色让你想留下来,但你知道……
火 Fire
The whole house was blazing. (blaze n. C烈火 vi.熊熊燃烧)
The fireballs raged (vi.迅速蔓延) fast...
The massive fire swallowed (vt. 吞没) the whole house.
The roaring fire engulfed (vt. 吞噬) the whole house.
The house was lit up by the roaring fire.
All he could hear was the cracks/popping (噼啪声) of the burning wood.
The fire crackled and spat, and emitted a rich, sweet smell as the fat cakes cooked and browned. - Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
听觉 Sound
The walls shook and vibrated like the tail of a rattle snake.
Ice crackled and pinged against the family room window like a baseball striking a bat.
Wind swirled around our beach house whistling loudly to a terrible tune.
The television buzzed as it shut off, and the furnace sighed one last time before the house fell silent.
The cracking of wood splitting punctuated each burst of fire like an exclamation point.
The sounds of emergency sirens awakened the still roads, wailing like a newborn baby.
The thunder roared like a lion, making me jump out of my bed.
She heard the keys jingle in his pocket as he walked towards her, sounding like a cheerful melody.
The water gurgled and splashed as it flowed down the stream, creating a soothing rhythm.
He slammed the door behind him, making a loud bang that echoed through the hallway.
The clock ticked and tocked, counting down the seconds until the deadline.
The leaves rustled and whispered in the breeze, and the sound of water was in the air. It was a clear and gentle stream that ran over a bed of pebbles and sand, making a soft musical noise as it went. - The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
The caged birds sang with fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still; and their tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged birds sing of freedom. - I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
嗅觉 Smell
The baking cake filled the kitchen with aroma of vanilla. 烤蛋糕使厨房充满香草的香味。
Cinnamon-scented candle reminded of the Big Red gum my father chewed. 肉桂香味的蜡烛让人想起我父亲嚼过的大红牌口香糖(美国口香糖品牌)。
好闻的气味: scented candles 香烛 aromatic oils 芳香油 fragrant perfume 芬芳的香水 sweet-smelling flowers 芳香扑鼻的花 the rich aroma of fresh coffee 新鲜咖啡醇厚的香味 a herb with a delicate fragrance 散发淡雅香气的芳草 a rose’s sweet perfume 玫瑰的芳香 the scent of wild flowers 野花的芬芳
难闻的气味: smelly cheese 有难闻气味的奶酪 stinking fish 发臭的鱼 acrid smoke 呛人的烟 nasty household odors 家里难闻的气味 the stench of rotting meat 腐肉的恶臭 the stink of stale sweat 汗臭味 the reek of beer and tobacco 啤酒和烟草的强烈臭味
触觉 Touch
The heavy quilt felt like an x-ray vest draped across our legs. 厚厚的被子感觉像一件x光背心披在我们的腿上。
The puppy’s nose was dry like sandpaper 小狗的鼻子干得像砂纸。
The sand was hot and grainy like my morning grits. 沙子又热又粗糙,就像我早餐的燕麦粉。
味觉 Taste
- Sweet, juicy strawberries
- Sour lemonade
- salty chips
- juicy tartness of orange
- rancid butter
- 校《读后续写材料》
- Sensory Details Word List
- Night
- Sun
- Rain
- Snow
- Sensory Details Examples