Saying Goodbye to Flash

Today, Adobe announced its plans to stop supporting Flash at the end of 2020. 今天,Adobe公司宣布了在2020年停止对Flash支持的计划。

For 20 years, Flash has helped shape the way that you play games, watch videos and run applications on the web. But over the last few years, Flash has become less common. Three years ago, 80 percent of desktop Chrome users visited a site with Flash each day. Today usage is only 17 percent and continues to decline. 过去的20年,Flash帮助我们改变了玩游戏、看视频和和使用网络应用的方式。但是最近这几年,Flash变得没那么有用了。三年前,每天有80%的Chrome电脑用户访问带有Flash的网站。如今,使用量仅为17%,并且还在持续下降。

This trend reveals that sites are migrating to open web technologies, which are faster and more power-efficient than Flash. They’re also more secure, so you can be safer while shopping, banking, or reading sensitive documents. They also work on both mobile and desktop, so you can visit your favorite site anywhere. 这种趋势表明,网站正在迁移到开放式Web技术。该技术比Flash更快,更节能,还可以帮助您更安全地购物、办理银行业务或阅读敏感文档。它们还同时支持移动设备和台式机,因此您可以在任何地方访问自己喜欢的网站。

These open web technologies became the default experience for Chrome late last year when sites started needing to ask your permission to run Flash. Chrome will continue phasing out Flash over the next few years, first by asking for your permission to run Flash in more situations, and eventually disabling it by default. We will remove Flash completely from Chrome toward the end of 2020. 去年下半年,当网站开始需要您的许可才能运行Flash时,这些开放的网络技术已成为Chrome的默认体验。 Chrome会在接下来的几年中继续淘汰Flash,首先会征求您在更多情况下运行Flash的许可,然后默认将其禁用。到2020年底,我们将彻底从Chrome移除Flash。

If you regularly visit a site that uses Flash today, you may be wondering how this affects you. If the site migrates to open web standards, you shouldn’t notice much difference except that you'll no longer see prompts to run Flash on that site. If the site continues to use Flash, and you give the site permission to run Flash, it will work through the end of 2020. 如果您今天定期访问使用Flash的网站,您可能想知道这会对您有何影响。如果该网站迁移到开放的Web标准,则除了您将不再看到在该网站上运行Flash的提示外,您应该不会有太大区别。如果该站点继续使用Flash,并且您授予该站点运行Flash的权限,则该站点将在2020年底前正常工作。

It’s taken a lot of close work with Adobe, other browsers, and major publishers to make sure the web is ready to be Flash-free. We’re supportive of Adobe’s announcement today, and we look forward to working with everyone to make the web even better. 我们与Adobe、其他浏览器和主要发行商进行了大量的密切合作,以确保网络准备好不使用Flash。我们支持Adobe今天的公告,我们期待与大家合作,使网络更加完善。

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